Victory Farm is a farm like no other!

How many people does it take to run a farm? I don’t know! But a Victory farm???? It takes a lot of cows… Claribelle, Henrietta, Sprinkles, Nemo, Ferdinand, Napolean, Waffles. And Friends!! 🙂

Cows. (Obviously). Alpacas? Likely. Donkeys? Most certainly. Horses? YES. Goats? They’re already jumping up on everything you don’t want them to… Llama? Can you say Baa?! (wait… What do llama’s say??!??)

Likely a farm. Picking up lots of animal poop. Boy, do cows poop a lot. Its a bit overwhelming actually. But i guess its ok, because its kinda like dirt. But not really… Maybe a bit more smelly. Oh Poop… Haha!

“Best Film”

“New Film Festival”

“Best Short”